Navigating a World of Probabilities — Stay Tuned

I am an economist, but I started out as a geologist when I was freshly out of college. On one of my first days in the field in Alaska, I exited the helicopter and began to walk up a slight incline when the crusty old pilot slapped a hand on my shoulder and said, “You don’t want to walk up into the blades, son…”

You see, experience does matter. In the world of business, we have a world of probabilities. The information is typically not scarce – but sound analysis and interpretation often are. 

If you want to innovate, develop a strategic position or understand a competitive perspective, then you need to begin with good market intelligence. I have made a career of understanding the impact of macroeconomic, financial and regulatory trends on companies and governmental agencies in a variety of industries, such as power, infrastructure, oil and gas, water, industrial manufacturing, mining and advanced technologies.

I invite you to engage in a journey through my blog. This venture is designed to expand your perspectives and challenge your mind-set. Along the way, I will apply lessons from some of our great teachers of strategy to guide our path. Also, along the way, we will look at the interplay among three business disciplines: strategic planning, market intelligence, and competitive intelligence. I look forward to our journey together.

Stay tuned for my next post on next Tuesday: “Peak Horses to Peak Autos – How Would You Change Your Business Model After 115 Years“…